
Cygnus Parade, Waterford

28 Apartments and Terrace Dwellings

Built form typologies in WA are interpreted very rigidly still in Western Australia. This skilful design blends terraces and apartments into a single building, and challenged the norms of separation of the two forms into separate sites. Balancing this design aspiration, with a vocal local community, and constraints such as bushfire, a high touchpoint post lodgement engagement enabled all technical, community, design an political issues to be satisfied, leading the way to a successful approval, and our client to execute their option without delay.

Pre-lodgement Government and Stakeholder engagement
Design Review Panel preparation and facilitation
Development Application Planning Submission
Development Consultant Reporting Coordination
Development Assessment Panel Development Application pathway Coordination
Application Management
Coordination of consultant input to follow up process
Post Lodgement Government and Stakeholder engagement
Attendance at post lodgement agency meetings
Development Assessment Panel Submissions and Advocacy
Coordination of Development Consultants for Development Assessment Panel Presentations

Image Credit: Linic Group / Gabriel Saunders

