
Wyndham Gardens Hotel Belmont 

225 Room HoteL

This project presented may challenges and requirements for input, including state government engagement for funding to facilitate access, major parking shortfall concessions, Main Roads access negotiations, and land use mix with the Local Authority. The proposal has undergone several design and configuration amendments, that has been skilfully overseen by Pinnacle Planning over a long term period, to ensure the proposal did not become considered a substantively different project, effectively meaning the proponent would need to start again.

Planning Due Diligence
Pre-lodgement Government and Stakeholder engagement
Consultant Procurement and Coordination
Project Team Design Refinement Coordination
Development Application Planning Submission
Development Consultant Reporting Coordination
Development Assessment Panel Development Application pathway Coordination
Application Management
Coordination of consultant input to follow up process
Post Lodgement Government and Stakeholder engagement
Attendance at post lodgement agency meetings
Development Assessment Panel Submissions and Advocacy
Coordination of Development Consultants for Development Assessment Panel Presentations
State Administrative Tribunal Application for Review Filing
Mediation Conference Attendance
Coordination of Reconsiderations

Image Credit: maarch