
62 Bayview Terrace, Claremont

Heritage Adaptive Reuse and signage

Road reservation widening changes, dual planning approvals, traffic safety, amenity issues, and heritage restoration were all prevalent issues which took a considerable period to unpack leading to the approval and redevelopment of the site. Balancing development modifications, technical consultant input, and engagement with Local and State Government, the building received approval for digital signage, additional floorspace, and refurbishment of existing heritage floorspace. The building has become an asset to the Claremont Town Centre, and enabled our client to have a development with multiple cost centres and points of attraction for investment.

Planning Due Diligence  
Pre-lodgement Government and Stakeholder engagement
Consultant Procurement and Coordination
Project Team Design Refinement Coordination
Development Application Planning Submission
Development Consultant Reporting Coordination
Development Assessment Panel Development Application pathway Coordination
Application Management
Coordination of consultant input to follow up process
Post Lodgement Government and Stakeholder engagement
Attendance at post lodgement agency meetings
Development Assessment Panel Submissions and Advocacy
Coordination of Development Consultants for Development Assessment Panel Presentations
State Administrative Tribunal Application for Review Filing
Mediation Conference Attendance
Coordination of Reconsiderations

